I want to see the female pelvis worshipped, respected and honoured as a place of power and life force — and I want every woman to experience the pleasure and delight of her bleeding wisdom.

Your innate wisdom is calling you -

it’s time to listen.


I'm Jasmine - a mother, an eco-feminist, a wee wild thing, and as my older sister has always said, a pixie. I live in the bush, I walk on the land, swim in the sea, and to my friends, I am know as an authentic, Earth Bleeding, womb-listening, Somatic Movement Guide, and ...WITCH ***

My certifications are; Feminine Embodiment Coach, Somatic Erotic Educator, Wild Woman’s, Sensual Dance Facilitator, and Holistic Pelvic Care Provider ™.

For the past 18 years, I've devoted myself to the practice of honoring my feminine body and capacity to release, renew, and rebirth. This grounded devotion enriches my work, offering you a well-defined pathway to re-engage with forgotten aspects of yourself, reclaim instinctual power, and awaken your untamed

Ecstatic Feminine Energy.

Moving from feeling disconnected from your feminine centre and disempowered in your life to becoming powerful and OverFlowing with vitality, I encourage women to claim their personal space, express their needs, and fulfil their desires through the transformative gateway of the Pelvis, Heart and Menstruation.



Embodied Movement & Majick Group Classes - for more information

1st class, FREE


1:1 Container to Reclaim your Pelvic Power and Awaken your Ecstatic Feminine Energy.


Discover the sacred gift within your monthly Bleed and unlock The Magic of Menstruation through direct transmissions, rituals, and an illuminating teaching space.

  • “Each and every time I’ve worked within Jasmine’s group container there has been a beautiful, magical unfolding and a deepening of healing for me. Jasmine is a skillful guide, deeply committed to the Feminine. I felt held, seen, safe, and nurtured.”


"It's time to wake up your primal authority and claim your embodied feminine pelvic power. This power is your anchor; it's your birthright."

"Balanced integration and reverence for the dark feminine aspects—blood, birth, death, sex, pleasure, flow, slowness, chaos, sacred rage—are essential for reclaiming your power and emotional range as a woman navigating a predominantly male-dominated culture."