Reclaim your Pelvic Power

Awaken your Ecstatic Feminine Energy

You embody the force of creation and power within your pelvis. If there's a disconnection here due to misalignments, tension, conditioning, or past wounds, it can hinder your capacity to fully inhabit and thrive from your root.

Whether connected to past traumas, lovers, ancestral imprints, or outdated habitual patterns, these unseen blocks impact communication to your Pelvic Power and can affect your creative feminine expression, how you show up for yourself and within your intimate relationships with partners, children, and family.

Is your cup full?

Does your pelvis feel satiated & OverFlowing with creative juice?

Rooting ourselves in our self-sourced power is how we cultivate a natural Overflow & Ecstasy in our bodies, relationships, and offerings.

Within this container you'll develop a succinct style of somatic communication within your Pelvic Bowl, assessing what you're holding onto and recognising when it's time to release.

You'll explore movements to sensitize, strengthen, and release stagnancy, creating space for feminine wisdom and ecstasy to take root and rise up from within you.

And you will be supported to:

  • Integrate Trauma

  • Release Tension

  • Repair Ruptures

  • Liberate Ancestral Ties

  • Restore Pelvic Vitality

  • Forge New Somatic Pleasure Pathways

  • Fulfil your Desires from your Womb's Depths

  • Access Ecstasy through your Body.

The OVERFLOW is an 8-week program, consisting of 4 x 1:1 Sessions, 3x Pelvic Practices, your own personally curated Embodied Movement & Majick session.

The program costs $1400 USD, with payment plans available and discounts for those with a lower exchange rate.

If you desire to work within this container simply fill out the enquiry form below and I will be in contact.

Transform the pelvic space from shut down, numbness, and disempowerment into powerful, OVERFLOWING Feminine Ecstasy & Pleasure.


    “Jasmine is a very present and compassionate facilitator for somatic therapy. Her sharp intuition and listening skills honed in on the right path for my sessions when there were many possible roads to take. All of this and her willingness to go deep made me feel incredibly safe to bloom; I cannot recommend her enough.”


    “My sessions with Jasmine have been a life-changing experience. Her process is focused & flows as a co-creation. We have been able to access and transform core blocks with ease and more swiftly & deeply than I have ever experienced with any other practitioner or modality. Jasmine has a true gift, and anyone would be fortunate to be in her transformative care. I couldn’t recommend her more highly!”

Jasmine Kali is a certified and trauma-informed Feminine Embodiment Coach, Soma Mystic Guide, Somatic Educator, and Holistic Pelvic Care™ provider. She brings a comprehensive approach to empowering women across their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, landing you down and into  your pelvis, supporting you to shift imbalances that hold power over your life, so you can confidently and joyfully embody pleasure, play and your Ecstatic Feminine Energy.

Knowing that the mind-body connection is real, and the body never lies, as a practitioner, I focus less on the story and more on the body and the movements, sounds, and processes it needs to take.

Every day, you have the gift to weave your own web: to give and receive abundantly, to feel know and nourish your well of feminine energy, and set boundaries with love and self-care, ruling from your crown.


  • Holistic Pelvic Care restores balance in the female pelvis to increase the strength of core muscles, enhance pelvic energetic vitality, improve sensation, provide support for infertility, recover from pregnancy and childbirth, and reconnect to the beauty of the pelvic bowl.

    Holistic Pelvic Care was pioneered by Tammi Kent, a women’s health physical therapist, and a pelvic health specialist. Using a gentle intervaginal massage technique combined with restorative breathwork tools, HPC realigns your pelvis physically and energetically. This process, for all stages of a woman’s life, enhances the flow of pelvic organ energy and restores your pelvic bowl as the creative centre of your female body.

  • This work is excellent for Post-Partum Care to revitalize the root after the birth of your baby and can resolve post-partum symptoms such as pelvic pain, discomfort, or muscle weakness and greatly assists your overall healing. Women who have experienced trauma during childbirth find that restoring pelvic balance aids their recovery. Let yourself experience this nourishing treatment in the heart of your mothering place.

    This work is excellent for Post-Partum Care to revitalize the root after the birth of your baby and can resolve post-partum symptoms such as pelvic pain, discomfort, or muscle weakness and greatly assists your overall healing. Women who have experienced trauma during childbirth find that restoring pelvic balance aids their recovery. Let yourself experience this nourishing treatment in the heart of your mothering place.

    Healing for Miscarriage & Birth Loss.

    If you have experienced a miscarriage or termination HPC nourishes your centre in a time of loss and honours the spirit who touched your womb.

  • Qualifications & Training:

    Teacher & Wild Woman’s Way Circle Facilitator, 2023

    SomaMystica Guide, 2022

    Holistic Pelvic Care™ Provider

    Integrative Pelvic Care Provider

    Sensual Embodied Dance Graduate

    Somatic Educator for Women, 2021

    Feminine Embodiment Coach, 2020

    Non-Linear Movement Method ®, 2019

    CERT IV in Kinesiology, 2012

    The Shakti Initiation - Tigress Yoga

    Dial a Doula / Spiritual Midwife, 2010-2011

    The Shamans Pathway, Classical Shamanic Soul Retrieval & Shamanic Extraction Training, The Sacred Trust UK. 2002