Ritual & Rebirth

Caress the soft underbelly of your dark feminine. Awakening your bleeding potency, power and pleasure.

For the past 16 years, I've dedicated myself to the art of bleeding well, embracing Earth Bleeding, and infusing my life with Blood Majick and Ritual. Through this journey of pelvic reclamation and bleeding initiations, I've unearthed many jewels and a deep resonance and respect for my feminine crown.

Your wombs blood is a powerful invitation and nourishing substance. Connecting with its wisdom and power is profound and deeply feminine work.

I do not advocate using keep cups or devices that hinder the natural downward flow from womb to vagina.

Instead of adding more barriers within, I invite you to explore, really letting go at a time when your body is primed for release.

As a devotee who is immersed in the energetics of bleeding alchemy, I advocate and encourage women to nourish their root power by bleeding directly onto the earth, by moving as slowly as their body desires and by exploring the three R’s, REST, RENEWAL & REBIRTH.

By squatting down low, we strengthen not only our pelvis but also our energetic connection to the earth and our root chakra. 

This is the path of  Wise Woman, Earth Majick rooted in the Dark Feminine terrain and weaved into the ancient threads of womb-based spirituality.

It is and has always been yours to CLAIM.


Bleeding Pleasure and Power is every woman’s birthright. What are you sacrificing to your bleed in this cycle? What are you dying unto, to be reborn into? This is the way of your monthly Blood Blessing and Initiation.

For resonant transmissions of the craft and power nestled within your cycle, womb, and creative blood matrix. Work with me as a Bleeding Alchemy mentor, or invite me to facilitate a workshop at your next event.

Bleeding Alchemy is a womb like container that includes:

3 x 1:1 Sessions & Bleeding Alchemy Embodied Movement practices offered over three cycles of Menstruation.

$1000 US (speak to me if you are in a country with a lower exchange rate)

This is how I bleed.

The veil parts. I howl. This one is easy. This one is full. This one is pure. This one is bliss.

I begin my day with dance. I relish in small delights. I see a crow and I see through its eyes.

I see through its eyes and I feel its majick.

Everything becomes quiet and slow.

I lay down on the grass and the weight of my body feels heavy and held upon it.

This is how I know.

This is how my body bleeds.

Menstruation is about reciprocity—giving and receiving as nature intended. Returning our blood to the earth allows her to transmute and alchemise the shedding and the letting go, (Death) into the essence of new life and healing medicine. (Rebirth) 

It is my deepest desire, to see women gaining power,and golden insight from their feminine cycles, their monthly bleed, their womb’s wisdom, and our natural gifts for pleasure, erotism, and playful expression



  • From pelvic disconnection to connection, numbness to sensation, the loss of power to self-sourced empowerment.

    The revolution is in the un shaming and reclamation of our womb wisdom and power. When we hold the resonance of pleasure and renewal within our bleed we gift the world, the earth, and future generations to come.